Christmas Coffins

Let Sinister Bakers put the exclamation mark on your Christmas feast with several Devilishly Delicious Coffins

Did you know in the 1700’s, pie crusts and shells were commonly referred to as “coffins”. We lay any of our evil fillings into a “Coffin” bed and either leave the casket open or close it with another layer of dough.

Order Now! (or we might just torture you in our dungeon) 

One final thought: Santa and Satan have the exact same letters, just in a different order.  Coincidence or planned? 

Special Requests

Please just fill out the contact form below and we’ll have a devilishly good discussion about whatever you need. There are no requests too outlandish. Besides it’s probably something our Chef de Patisseerie has made before,  Yes, we spelled Patisseerie like that on purpose.

Located in Erie, Colorado, Sinister Bakers operates under the Colorado Food Act as a Cottage Bakery and delivers locally for free. Our Mad Scientists create custom desserts and treats in addition to large scale orders. How can we create something spellbinding for you? 


Contact Form

Chef de Patisserie


Most chefs will tell you how they were inspired by spending time at their mother’s or grandmother’s knee in the kitchen.  Our chef’s story is a little different.  He learned to cook and bake out of necessity because most institutional food was inedible at colleges when he went to school during the Paleozoic Era.

Our Chef de Patisserie is driven to take care of others.  This approach is baked into everything we do at Sinister Bakers and guides our hands every day.   

Our Secret Laboratory is hidden in a dark and dingy dungeon somewhere in Eerie, Colorado
(yes, very appropriate location)

However, you may contact us almost any day between the hours of:

7:00 am – 9:00 pm